Refund Policy

Refund policy:

You can return an item within 30 days. Your items must reach us within 30 days from our shipment date. Items returned after 30 days will not be accepted. Every item returned to us should be in their original condition including their original packing. We will not accept the return if the items are not in their original condition. Unfolded sheets cannot be accepted for return unless they arrived defective.

You may return an item by sending an email to: Please wait for an email from us before shipping your item back to us. All costs related to return shipping must be paid by the customer unless a prior agreement was arranged with us.

Wrap the package securely, and ship the package to the address provided in the return email. Please indicate the reason for return on the packing slip, and include the packing slip with the item you are returning

You will receive an email from us stating the status of your refund as soon as we have inspected and processed the returned item. Once approved, credits will be issued in 1 or 2 days